Category Archives: BOTOX® Cosmetic & Dysport®

A woman smiling and looking away (model)

How Long Does BOTOX® Take To Work: What To Know Before, During & After Treatment

When injected by a skilled provider, creates natural-looking results that help you look as young as you feel. BOTOX injections minimize forehead wrinkles, diminish frown lines between the eyebrows, and reduce fine lines around the eyes, sometimes called crow’s feet. Before your BOTOX appointment, you may have some questions about the effects of this injection, …

A mom and daughter hugging (model)

Why It’s Important To Choose a Board-Certified Provider for Injectables

It’s no secret that cosmetic injectable treatments such as and are the most popular aesthetic procedures performed around the world—including in our Eugene, OR, practice. Because they’re so popular, many people in the medical field offer injectable treatments—ranging from general practitioners and dentists to aestheticians supervised by a physician. Safety & Training Are Important Even …


Weight Loss with Semaglutide

Our “Boutique Weight Loss” approach promises personalized care and attention, ensuring you feel confident, empowered, and heard throughout your weight loss journey. Get your first 4 weeks for just $200!